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December 19, 2017

HomeAid and Mortgage Bankers Association of Georgia Partner for Care Day


Groups prepare transitional home for residents in southwest Atlanta

Atlanta, GA – On Monday, December 11, HomeAid Atlanta partnered with the Mortgage Bankers Association of Georgia (MBAG) for a HomeAid Care Day at Jesus Set the Captive Free (JSCF) in southwest Atlanta.  Care Days are HomeAid’s volunteer workdays during which homeless service providers receive repairs and upgrades at little or no cost to them.  MBAG and HomeAid volunteers completed final tasks at JSCF’s newly renovated triplex.  To get the units ready for move-in, the hardworking group cleaned, painted, and installed blinds.  Sherwin-Williams provided paint donations. This Care Day provided a savings of approximately $2,000 for JSCF.

HomeAid volunteer Builder Captain James MacDowell of Unique Homes and Renovations renovated the triplex for JSCF earlier this year.  This was HomeAid’s second renovation for JSCF, whose mission is to empower homeless and previously incarcerated men, including veterans, with education, emotional, and faith-based support.  The triplex will serve as a transitional living facility as residents work rebuild their lives.

MBAG’s Care Day was held in conjunction with HomeAid’s Stock the House Drive, which garnered donations of housewares for JSCF, including dishes, small appliances, towels, and much more.  Many community members contributed to the Drive, donating approximately $2,000 in merchandise.  The collected items will help provide a warm welcome for future residents.  

Alexandra Radford, co-chair of MBAG’s Lend-A-Hand Committee said, “We absolutely loved partnering with HomeAid Atlanta as our charity beneficiary this year.  HomeAid was both timely and flexible in coordinating the Care Day and event promotions with us. We received so much more than we gave at the Care Day! It was such a bonding experience to be able to give back to our community alongside the people we partner with every day in the real estate industry.  We welcome the opportunity to partner with HomeAid Atlanta again, and would recommend them to other associations evaluating charities to support.”

HomeAid Atlanta, founded in 2001, is a nonprofit organization that builds new lives for homeless families and individuals through housing and community outreach. HomeAid works in partnership with the building industry, as well as community building organizations, to assist people experiencing homelessness. To date, HomeAid Atlanta has completed over 85 housing, remodel and care day projects at locations that serve victims of domestic violence, teen mothers, veterans and more. HomeAid is the designated charity of the Greater Atlanta Home Builders Association. Learn more: www.homeaidatlanta.org


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