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November 05, 2014

Donations Needed for the GAHBA Silent Auction/Casino Night and Holiday Party Benefiting HomeAid Atlanta – December 4, 2014

HomeAid Atlanta is the charity of the Greater Atlanta Home Builders Association and builds and/or renovates dignified, transitional housing for metro Atlanta’s temporarily homeless children, women and men.

2014 Silent Auction/Casino and Holiday Party Wish List


Vacation trips/rentals | Electronics | Airfare | Art | Gift Cards | Sports Tickets
Golf Outings | Jewelry | Sport Memorabilia | Event Tickets


For your generous donation, your company will receive:


Recognition at the Silent Auction
Recognition on the HBA Website
Recognition in HomeAid Atlanta’s e-newsletter
A Tax-deductible donation receipt/letter


Cash Donations are also welcome. Please make checks payable to the Atlanta Home Builders Association.

If you're interested please click here to fill out the attached Silent Auction Donation Form. Donations Due by Friday November 14th





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