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December 03, 2012

Lunch with Legendary at Bellagio on December 5th - New Homes in Greenville, SC from the $300s




















Legendary Communities cordially invites you to join us for Lunch with Legendary on Wednesday, December 5th from 11:30 am to 2:00 pm at Bellagio in Greenville.  Tour our beautiful new home, the Nantucket (Lot 2), and enjoy a delicious meal catered by Jean Keenan.  Bring your business card for a chance to win one of several gift cards!  For more information or to RSVP, call Sandy Ellam or Kyle Ellam at 864-275-6061, or email [email protected].

Bellagio is a unique retreat near Greenville boasting expansive homesites of 1/2 acre and larger. Gorgeous Craftsman-style homes feature 3,800 to 5,800 square feet of space, two and three-car side entry garages, and much more!  For more information, visit us online at www.legendarycom.com.


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